Jamie House Design

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I had a super cute clever title for this post all worked out & it's gone. It's been in my head for a week, I didn't write it down & there you go. Forgotten. The creative gods have taken it back. You don't use it you lose it. Maybe next week I'll remember, I'm not going to put up a title, because it's not THE title;)

I LOVE silly kitschy interior magazines and photography. I actually think I was born in the wrong era...I should have been a child of the 50's. I'll share a silly item with you every Friday, to ease into the weekend.

This is the Upside Down House, clever I know, in Sunrise Golf Village Florida. It's not actually there anymore, but the developers put this together as a model to market the neighborhood. It even had furniture in it! All upside down! All of the houses looked similar to this one except normal side up ya know. This is what the postcard says...

"This Full Size Home has Standard-Size furniture thru-out. The only upside-down house in the world. Write for brochure of our homes selling from $11,500."

I did a quick search & found out that upside down houses really aren't that uncommon. Really. Who knew.

Happy weekending!


